Professional Development Events & Workshops

If you have a professional development workshop or conference that you would like to share, please submit it online Registration / login is required.

Intimate Partner Violence Advocate (IPVA) Certification Program

A Partnership for Change is a NJ-based non-profit organization dedicated to ending intimate partner violence (IPV). Our IPVA professional training series has been operating since 2009.

Integrating DBT into Couple & Family Sessions

Join Ashlee Maruca, LPC for a one-hour workshop on ways DBT can be adapted to better support couples and families. In this training, clinicians will learn specific skills and interventions that can be used with their clients to improve their relationships.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - Evaluation and Management

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) can be a confusing topic for both professionals and survivors. How is it diagnosed, and what can one expect in terms of recovery and treatment?

Mandatory Legal Standards 3-6-Hour Course

NJ LCADCs & CADCs are required to complete a 3-6 hour course on Legal Standards. This course satisfies this requirement with an approved instructor.

Privilege & Culture: The Challenges for White Clinicians

This webinar offers mental health professionals a culturally competent understanding of the skills, language, and self-awareness needed to have essential discussions with clients and coworkers.

Women and Opioid Use Disorders

Participants will explore the unique needs of women and pregnant women seeking treatment. This course provides an overview of DSM criteria for Opioid Use Disorders from a trauma informed perspective.